
Mas SW

Sí, parece que me estoy obsesionando con el tema, pero la última y nos vamos. Ahora es Shanon Wheeler el que habla del Episodio III:
Fortune cookies. That's what the jedi have been reduced to. First, the mighty-cloridians in the blood are the force, then racial stereotypes abound, and now the jedi master's wisdom is summed up with condescending BS gleaned, along with the check and a cookie, at the end a chinese dinner. Fortune cookie wisdom. I'd turn to the dark side too if my 'master' was feeding me lines like "only the Sith speak in absolutes." Isn't that an absolute that you just said, mr obi juan? Are you a sith? Am I a sith? Damn this lisp. It was a mean man who named lisp, 'lisp.'
Su choro completo está aquí. Y ya que están por ahí, chequen algunas de las tiras de Too Much Coffee Man.

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